Saturday, 17 October 2009

Bracelet making

Earlier today I bought 25meters (82feet) of black 1mm leather string because I thought that might come in handy some time, and it allready has.
A few weeks ago I got an idea for a "new" use for needle binding. I read on Wikipedia that the women of the Nanti tribe in Peru used the technique to make bracelets and I thought "Hmmm, I wonder if that can be done with leather string?". And it could!

I used a regular, pretty large, blunt needle and bound as usual and in the pictures below you can see the result of this prototype project. It's a little uneven, but pretty good as far as a first attempt go.

This is the bracelet on my boyfriend's wrist. He asked me if he could have it so it's his now.

Here you can see the details a little bit better.
And here's a real close up so the knotwork really shows.