Wednesday, 31 August 2011

My first felt work

Again, it's been a very long time since last I blogged. The reason is simple enough. I haven't been all that creative lately. I have had something to do anyway though. I've made a sale on an "old" item and gotten an order for a new purse which is almost done and will be blogged soon, I promise. In the meantime I'll entertain you with a little something I made for my friend Charlotte's birthday. (That's today by the way. YAAAY for Charlotte!!)

As the title suggests I've worked with felt for this project. I have worked with felt before, like when I made this bag for Ester in Croatia, but this was the first time I attempted to use the felt for more than just a simple one-piece decoration.

First I need to do some explaining so that you'll all understand the gift. Both Charlotte and me are great fans of the british TV-show Doctor Who and (almost) all things related to it. The main character in the show is called The Doctor and he travels through time and space in a spaceship-time machine called the TARDIS, which is one of the most awesome contraptions in sci-fi history. In my opinion, that is. But anyway, this is what The Doctor's TARDIS looks like:

So, now we can move on to the actual creation.

I decided to make Charlotte a TARDIS pillow, but I had no blue fabric and no money to purchase any. BUT, I did get my hands on some cheap felt in various colors and some black, slightly strechy fabric and there I had it. I could make a pillowcase out of the black fabric and the TARDIS itself out of felt! So the process began.

I first drew up the various bits of the TARDIS and cut them out of paper, then I cut them out from the felt. Then I cut the pieces for the pillow case (also my first) and sewed that together with my brand new sewing machine (I'll give my girl her own post later) and then I stitched the bits and pieces of felt-TARDIS on to each other and the case, stuffed an Irma pillow from IKEA inside and voila! TARDIS pillow!

You can't see from the picture (obviously), but the pillowcase closes in the back with two regular black buttons.

I'm happy with it. Yeah, it's a little wonky, but I'm wonky, Charlotte's wonky and not to mention Tho Doctor, he's very wonky. ;)

In addition to this I'm adding a picture of the bag I sold earlier this year and a link to the post in which I presented it the first time. It's no problem if you want a bag like this, just send me an e-mail and I'll get on it as soon as I have the time. You can find my e-mail adress in the right side column on the main page of the blog.

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